If you spot any errors or mistakes I’ve made, please let me know.
This is borrowed very shamelessly from my friend Saloni.
This blog seeks to accurately report and analyze academic work. I am, however, not perfect, and this includes my published work. Since I don’t want to misinform people, and I do want errors to be pointed out, I will reward people for finding them.
Errors may include errors in interpretation, errors in code, or if I misrepresent existing data. I do not include differing-but-arguable interpretations of the same results to be an error; since I sometimes deal with politically contentious issues, it is likely that different people will come to different conclusions.
I’ll offer $10 (for a minor error), $30 (moderate error), or $50 (major error). For very minor errors (e.g. typos, grammatical errors), you will earn my personal gratitude and maybe a beer.
If you point out an error but don’t want to receive a reward, I’ll instead donate the amount to a cause of your choice.
If you have found an error and wish to contact me, you can do so through:
Email: lagilbert@gmail.com
Bluesky: @lgilbert.co
Twitter: @notanastronomer